Friday, November 18, 2011

Specimen #14 Entodon Moss

Fig. 1 Leaf of Entodon Moss.
Fig. 2 Peristome teeth of Entodon moss. 
Fig. 3 Entodon cladorrhizans with red-brown seta, upright cylindrical capsules; growing on a rotten log.

Specimen 14
Name: Entodon cladorrhizans Entadon Moss
Family: Entodontaceae
Collection Date: Oct. 8, 2011
Habitat: rotting log
Location: Hiram College Field Station woods, Ohio
Description: Yellow green, branched, looks like scaled fingers, sporophyte erect, lateral
Collector: Jennifer Friedler

Key used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.

Keying Steps:
Introduction key pg. 19
1a. has stem and leaves; erect, ascending, prostrate, or hanging...2
2b. No hayline cells...3
3b. 28. Order Bryidae

Key to Families/Genera Bryidae pg. 28
1b. Green, one layer of cells...3
3b. Leaves in three or more rows...7
7b. No isodiometeric cells...8
8b. Leaves well developed and persistent...9
9b. Has a seta...10
10b. Distinct stem; has operculum...17
17b. Large plant...20
20b. No lamellae...28
28b. Not growing on rich organic soil, bones, or other organic matter...33
33b. Branched stems...139
139b. Leaves smooth...174
174b. Paraphyllia or multicellular propagula few, not usually seen...182
182b. Costa single short or absent...183
183b. Costa lacking...184
184b. Costa lacking...230
230b. Terrestrial...231
231a. Median leaf cells long 5-20:1...239
239b. Leaves without one inflated alar cell at extreme basal angle...240
240b. Quadrate alar cells...253
253a. Leaves appressed, broad and entire, jointed 203 Entodon
1b. leaves acute to apiculate...2
2b. branched flattened...3
3b. plants moderately robust, branches more than 1mm wide...4
4a. seta reddish—brown...Entodon cladorrhizans

“Plants in wide, yellowish-green, sometimes glossy, mats, stems and branches flattened, on soil, logs, tree bases; South Dakota to Rhode Island south to Missouri, Indiana, North Carolina” (Conrad 204).


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